The business hours of the installation are from Monday to Friday (except for the public holidays) 6h30 till 17h30. The administrative offices are open Monday to Friday from 9h00 to 12h00 and 13h00 till 16h00.
HighScope schedule:
A visual timetable of images allows the children to follow the daily routine and be aware of upcoming activities and transitions. This allows the child to experience transitions more easily creating a feeling of security.
Subsidized childcare
Our permit from the MFA allows us to offer services for 80 children. It is divided as follows: 15 places for infants from 0 to 17 months, 65 places for children of 18 months to 59 months.
Waiting list
A unique online service the childcare services of Quebec is in place the purpose to have a common waiting list for all families. You can call 514-270-5055 or consult La Place 0-5 for more information.
Priority is given: 1st: to the children referred through the CLSC agreement. 2e: to the children of employees returning to work at the CPE Center. 3rd: Children of the same family: brother, sister. 4th: To the families receiving social assistance. 5th: Children with special needs (developmental delays, handicap…). 6th: Children according to their registration dates.
According to the government’s regulations
- 1 educator per 5 children aged 0 to 17 months
- 1 educator for 8 children aged 18 months to 47 months
- 1 educator for 10 children aged 48 months to 59 months
- Gardening
- Skating
- Library
- Graduation
- Bedford Fair
- Apple picking
- Shows at the CPE Center (puppets, clowns, mini farm, zoo…) -Special guests (firemen, Santa Claus…)
- Readings by the students from Premier Envol school -Lending of games and books
From nursery to pre-K
In our 3 nursery groups for the under 2 years of age, each infant’s rhythm is respected. Whether it may be sleep, eating or playtime, we adjust our interventions, material and how we care for the infants according to their needs.
We explore with the under 3 years of age
Up to 3 years of age, caring for basic needs is a big part of the routine for your child. Whether in a multi-age group or homogenous, learning through play is done through discoveries of equipment, peers, and the environment. A child of this age is continually in search of exploration and our educators are there to accompany them in their development.
Between 3 and 5 years of age
At this age, autonomy and social skills are important steps of development. The children play more with each other and quickly become accomplices in exploring the material and games offered and /or initiated. The child learns to accept the rules established with the support of the adult. The child takes more and more initiative in his/her play and develops the capacity to verbalize their actions with the adequate support from the adult. Between the ages of 3 and 5, we want the child to begin developing their listening and problem-solving skills. To do this the adult must give less answers but accompany the child’s reasoning by their availability, their questions and comments.
Despite the differences amongst the age groups, all children have the need to play, to be welcomed and be heard. Establishing a stable routine, communication between the staff and the parents, as well as discovery and pleasure through play are essential ingredients for achieving well-being in children. The need for security is also present at each level. Providing a warm democratic environment, with clear and constant rules and supervision will help ensure that this need is met.
High Scope
The educational HighScope program is used throughout the world and is backed with validated research. It is a program which covers all aspects of the child’s development and responds to the educational content obliged by the Ministry of the Families. High Scope uses the term active learning to describe their philosophy. By this term, the program highlights that children learn best when they are actively involved with people and their environment. In that active context, the children develop initiative, autonomy, and confidence in themselves.
Here are some notions that characterizes the HighScope educational program:
- The “planning-action-thinking “ sequence during which the children verbalize their plan, realize it and then bring their reflection to it.
- Conflict and problem solving which is an integral part of active learning by allowing children to do social and cognitive learning by solving everyday conflicts or problems themselves with the support of an adult.
- The classroom and the material available arise directly from the interests and needs of the children. They encourage exploration and discovery through open play initiated by the children and at certain times by the adult.
- The daily routine (which varies according to the age of the child), promotes anticipation and the feeling of security throughout the day.
- “The democratic intervention“, put forward by the HighScope approach allows the child to make choices throughout the day, at each moment during a routine through a benevolent supervision of the adult.
You can consult (French) and (English) if you want to know more about the high scope educational program’